Josch Hambsch Jul 17, 2003
> Hello Bill, Josch, Lawrence, and othersrepeatedly
> I also would like to be able to set up a mosaic of CCD frames and
> have Guide and telescope goto's take care of the hassle of
> getting the frames lined up correctly. The way I think this shouldoverlap)
> work is
> 1) set up a CCD frame as you normally would
> 2) define mosaicking properties (x by y frames with z pixles
> 3) define the order of the individual frames (a few predefinedat
> schemes would be fine)
> 4) Guide would now produce a list of frame center's coordinates
> (absolute or relative?) which would be the the basis of a workflow
> 5) a next-button would allow the user to point the telescope point
> each frame in succession (and return to the first for a new roundof
> integrations) according to the data in the workflowtelescope
> The actual imaging would the be a simple act of making the
> go to the first frame, integrate, press "next", integrate,
> press "next" etc.
> Better still if the workflow could be saved for reuse.
> Just a thought
> Jari
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> The Guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate.
> -- Douglas Adams (The Restaurant at the End of the Universe)
> ----------- --------------