Re: mosaicking feature

Josch Hambsch Jul 17, 2003

Hi Mosaic fans,

this is just the way The Sky works (which I have used for the first
mosaics so far). That would be great to implement in Guide (which I
like much, much better than The Sky). Saving the mosaic would be an
added value, since this is not a feature of The Sky and if
communication is lost with the scope by whatever means, you have to
start all over again.

Some of my tries to mosaic can be seen on my homepage.

Anyway a good starting point could be the defined steps in the e/w
and n/s direction.

This feature implemented in Guide would make your soft even more
valuable compared to the competitors.

Regards, Josch

--- In, "Jari Suomela" <jimenez@k...>
> Hello Bill, Josch, Lawrence, and others
> I also would like to be able to set up a mosaic of CCD frames and
> have Guide and telescope goto's take care of the hassle of
> getting the frames lined up correctly. The way I think this should
> work is
> 1) set up a CCD frame as you normally would
> 2) define mosaicking properties (x by y frames with z pixles
> 3) define the order of the individual frames (a few predefined
> schemes would be fine)
> 4) Guide would now produce a list of frame center's coordinates
> (absolute or relative?) which would be the the basis of a workflow
> 5) a next-button would allow the user to point the telescope point
> each frame in succession (and return to the first for a new round
> integrations) according to the data in the workflow
> The actual imaging would the be a simple act of making the
> go to the first frame, integrate, press "next", integrate,
> press "next" etc.
> Better still if the workflow could be saved for reuse.
> Just a thought
> Jari
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> The Guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate.
> -- Douglas Adams (The Restaurant at the End of the Universe)
> ----------- --------------