Re: [guide-user] Directory listing dropped

Laren Dart Jul 15, 2003

At 10:38 PM 7/15/03 -0400, you wrote:
>At 06:16 2003-07-11 -0500, Bill Gray wrote:
>>Hi folks,
>> Thanks to all for the comments. As suggested, we can drop
>>Guide from the Yahoo directory without difficulty, and I've done so.
>>It appears that there is no good reason (yet, anyway) to add the
>>name-mangling scheme.
>>-- Bill
>Hi Bill and guide list members.
>I haven't received any mail from the Guide list members since July 11 when
>Bill dropped the list from the Yahoo directory. Anybody out there?????
>Bob Elliott
>MPC 762

I think it may just be slow, Bob. I received a lettter on 7/12, and I
think there may have been a couple I didn't keep. Let's see how it goes.
Anyone else out there?

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