It would be fine with me, Bill. As you are probably aware, the address where I get the e-mail from this group is neither my regular work address nor my regular home address. It is a special yahoo account I have set up for the purpose of monitoring my favorite groups, and in order to avoid some spam.
Clear skies to all!
Bill J Gray <
pluto@...> wrote:
Hi folks,
A while back, I noticed that one gent on this list has regularly
been unsubscribing and re-subscribing. I asked him why he was
doing this, and he replied that he's had problems with spamming
via Yahoo mailing lists, including this one.
It occurs to me that our e-mail addresses are visible to one
another, and someone lurking on this list could easily scoop
up addresses and spam them. (It's probably happening to me,
too, but I get and delete immense amounts of spam anyway.
I'd never notice a new source of it.)
Yahoo provides an option under which e-mail addresses
are mangled to evade spamming. However, the check-box
to turn this feature on says:
"...Your group will not be able to use the Polls feature.
Members who hide their email address will not be able to
post messages via email. Once you have selected this
option, you may not change it later."
Since the change is apparently irrevocable, I thought it
best to ask: does anyone object to this group switching
over to mangled e-mail addresses?
-- Bill
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