Re: [guide-user] Possible change to evade spam

Arild Moland Jul 11, 2003


> If Bill does make this change, then members who choose to have their emails
> 'mangled' have to go to the yahoo Guide group web page to make a posting.
> Those who do not choose to hide their email address can still post via
> email.

even though I will opt not to hide my address (since my address seem to live
inside every spam directory on the planet already), I support Doug's suggestion
of removing the group from the directory rather than having mangled adresses.

As for spam, my inbox was reborn on the day I discovered that my email provider
scanned and flagged all spam using SpamAssassin. Now I've set up a filter which
removes 99.9% of all spam from my inbox based on this flag. Good stuff!

> I would first recommend taking the group off of the Yahoo Groups directory
> and see if that improves matters. That feature can be reversed if wanted.

Reversible medicine ought to be prescribed before anything else!

Best regards,

Arild Moland :)
