Re: [guide-user] Listing the azimuth of the rising Sun/Moon

Philippe Mollet Jul 2, 2003

Hi Ben e.a.,

thanks for the info. I've been doing a little search on the web, and there
seems to be a Windows-version:

I'll give it a try this evening after work,


At 09:47 2-7-03 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello Philippe,
>I had need for the same azimuth information several years ago. There is
>an old DOS program called TONITE.EXE by Leonard Abbey. It only outputs to
>the screen or the printer and offers a 'short' or 'long' version in the
>printout. You can get info that you need on a daily basis or for any
>number of days.
>I run it once a year and printout rise/set times and azimuth for the sun
>and the moon along with twilight times. This gives me a quick and easy
>reference to the needed information. The version I currently use is
>3.7 Perhaps there is a newer version. If someone else is familiar with
>this program and has more current information about it ( such as a Windows
>version), pls post or email me in private.
>Phillipe, if you would like a copy of this old DOS program, email me and I
>can zip it, actually pretty small by today's file sizes. Would be glad to
>send you a copy.
>Ben Hudgens
>Stephenville, TX
>----- Original Message -----
> From: Philippe & Geertrui Mollet-Cornelis
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 4:48 PM
> Subject: [guide-user] Listing the azimuth of the rising Sun/Moon
> Hi Bill and all,
> I wondered if there's a way to make a listing of the azimuth of the
> rising/setting Sun, Moon or even the planets, let's say for every day
> of the
> year.
> I mean: I like to make nice images of a rising or setting Moon or Sun next
> to a remarkable landmark, such as a church or some kind of monument.
> Of course, I could just go driving till I find the correct location, but
> then it could be just a little too late.
> And besides: I'm quite lazy, so I prefer just stepping outside the house,
> make the image of the rising sun, and go back sleeping ;-)
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Philippe Mollet
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E-mail: philippe@... (job)
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