USB to serial

Albert Schuitema Jun 30, 2003

Hi Folks,

I need some advice, who can tell me if the following will work;

I bought a Notebook without COM ports, but there are 2 USB 2.0 ports available. So I was looking for an USB to serial adapter and downloaded the manual. I have Windows XP and Guide running and want to control my SkySensor 2000.

1) Is it possible to control the SS2K by using an USB to serial adapter and will the virtual COM port be addressable in Guide and in the SS2K setup?
2) Windows XP is not mentioned below, would this be a problem?
3) I guess only one USB to serial can be used on one notebook?



EM1016 - USB to Serial

Installing the hardware
1. First of all shut down all equipment before beginning the installation procedures.
2. Connect the USB to Serial adapter to an available USB port on your Desktop or Notebook PC.
3. Connect the serial connector of the adapter to a serial device (e.g. An external modem).
4. Power on all equipment and wait until your computer has finished booting.
5. Your computer will automatically detect the new found hardware and will ask you for the necessary drivers which you can find on the enclosed CD-ROM. Select the option to install the files from the CD-ROM and select the 'drivers'directory. Windows will find the drivers and install them onto your system. Windows will then create a virtual COM port. (This is not a normal COM port like COM1 and COM2).
6. After following the intructions given by Windows, installation is complete and you'll have to restart your computer.
7. Install your serial device and tell Windows it is connected to the virtual COM port.
8. Your serial device is now ready for use through the USB port.

Attention! The new made COM port (mentioned above) is a virtual port. This means that older software could experience problems while communicating through these ports. You should better check this first with your software distributor.

System requirements
1. Windows 98 and up.
2. Computer or Notebook equipped with an available USB port.
3. Serial device that is able to communicate using an 8 bits protocol.

1. Full compliance with USB specifications ver. 1.1.
2. Plug & Play capability for outside peripherals.
3. Compatibility list for serial (RS232) port:
1. Modem 5. Digital camera
2. Card reader 6. Barcode reader
3. ISDN-TA 7. Label writer
4. Serial mouse 8. Tablet
4. Supports UHCI and OHCI specifications.
5. Windows 98, SE, 2000 and ME compatible

Albert Schuitema D Dwingeloo
De Maten 16 52 50' 07" N R Remote
7991 BB Dwingeloo 06 22' 21" E A (by Albert)
The Netherlands C Controlled
alberts@... tel: xx-31-(0)521-592813 O Observatory

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