Listing the azimuth of the rising Sun/Moon
Philippe & Geertrui Mollet-Cornelis Jun 29, 2003
Hi Bill and all,
I wondered if there's a way to make a listing of the azimuth of the
rising/setting Sun, Moon or even the planets, let's say for every day of the
I mean: I like to make nice images of a rising or setting Moon or Sun next
to a remarkable landmark, such as a church or some kind of monument.
Of course, I could just go driving till I find the correct location, but
then it could be just a little too late.
And besides: I'm quite lazy, so I prefer just stepping outside the house,
make the image of the rising sun, and go back sleeping ;-)
And for something completely different: this morning we tried to observe a
transit of the International Space Station in front of the Sun. One of us
did succeed (with a small 4 1/4 inch newtonian), another one lost the sun at
the right (wrong) moment (it takes only 4/10 of a second!), and I tried to
film it with a webcam but missed it (close, but no sigar...): should have
used a shorter focal lenght or even tried to image the whole sun instead of
a small part.
For this, I've subscribed to an alert-message
( to know if there's a transit close to
our home, and then of course checked it with Guide ;-) Both were right!
A couple of days ago there was a thread about this on the list, but AFAIK
only answers related to asteroid-transits. Still no idea if this kind of
transit (ISS or other satellites) can be predicted by Guide? Should be great
if we could have the same features you gave us with eclipses and so:
clicking on both objects, calculating the transit date/time, and showing a
map of the world with the transit path (and then, again just like with
eclipses: clicking on "only local events" would give just what we need).
Philippe Mollet
Tel.: 02/269.12.80
Fax.: 02/269.10.75
E-mail: philippe@... (job)
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