Re: [guide-user] Transits in Guide

Arild Moland Jun 26, 2003

Hi Bill,

> the reason described by Arild in an earlier post: its

just for the record; I never gave any such reason. I do believe that Bob and
Paul did, however :)

But, speaking of identification of satellites. Say I had a satellite sighting
report in my observing log which dates back several years, and I never made any
effort to identify it at that time. What are my chances of being able to
identify it today, using Guide? Using current elements won't work, I'd think.
Are there an online archive of old elements available for "historical" satellite

My specific interest is to identify a geostationary I observed right next to NGC
3115 in Sextants a few years ago :)

Best regards,

Arild :)
