Re: [guide-user] Recent update vs. test update

Andrea Pelloni Jun 23, 2003

Hello Bill, I have a strange effect using the new "test" update:
I had a bookmark with sky image 120 deg wide, gnomonic projection, pointing
South, with the drawing of the roof of our Observatory, that blocks part of
the sky toward South.
It was a simple but clear evidence of what could and what could not be
imaged with our telescope.
Now, with the new upgrade, I'm unable to obtain the same image, and instead
I have a kind of round sky with the roof image well distorted.
It gives the impression to stay in a sink, looking to the sink mouth and
seeing the sky overhead.
I've tried to modify the field width, no result, the only change is the
sink mouth width.
Do you have modified something in the projections behavior?
F.y.i. I have tried it both in Italian and English, with the same result.
By and thank you


At 01.22 22/06/2003, you wrote:
>The new features are in the "in testing, let me know if you find
>bugs" update at
>which may morph into the "official" update, depending on how
>stable it is and whether I decide to tack on still more changes.
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Andrea Pelloni
ARA- Associazione Romana Astrofili
(Roman Amateur Astronomers Association)
Organizers of MACE 2004
157 Frasso Sabino Observatory
RHP SpaceGuard Team

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