Re: [guide-user] Bold lines/celestial equator/B1.0 display/asteroid oppositions

Laren Dart Jun 22, 2003


I just tested this on my setup, Guide 8 and Win98SE. Right-clicking on
either the ecliptic or the horizon gives me the new display options to
change the thickness and style of the lines. Can't figure out what (if
any) settings could cause it to fail for you.


At 07:28 PM 6/22/03 +0200, you wrote:
>Concerning bold lines:
>Changing linestyles through display, ticks and grids etc, works correctly.
>Choosing linestyles by rightclick etc. on ecliptic or equator brings up the
>asteroids menu.
>Other lines, like constellationlines, react correctly on rightclick.
>I'm using W2000.
>Kind regards,
>Bob Bakker
writing and photography