Hour angle

Bernd Brinkmann Jun 20, 2003

Hello Bill,

> I've therefore revised LHA to run from -12:00:00 to +12:00:00,
> instead of from 0:00:00 to 24:00:00. If anyone really prefers the
> 24:00:00 scheme, please let me know, and I'll add in some sort of
> switch for the "standard-definition LHA"... but my guess is that most
> people will agree with Dennis; this definition makes sense.

I'm a person prefering a 24 hour LHA because sometimes I use
telescopes wich have an Hour angle setting circle (e.g. GEM from
Eckhard Alt in Germany or this beautiful telescope:
http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/%7Ewebstw/ohl/hl_ssf_s.jpg) and no
GOTO capability.

Clear skies
Bernd Brinkmann

Sternwarte Herne, #A18
Herne, Germany

e-mail: info@...