Hi Bill,
I think our definitions of LHA are different. My definition
read in hours, minutes, and seconds either east(-) or west (+)
of the meridian. It tells you at a glance how far from the
meridian, and transit the object is.
When I use Guide with my LX200 Classic I generaly put it in
animation mode tracking a star in the east. I set it to real
mode to update every few seconds.
I guess why I ask for these things to be displayed is because
as a professional telescope operator or night assistant these
are the things most often used as a sky reference. We seldom
use the CCD to image below a SecZ of 2. Also we enter the Sezc
on the observation log sheet. It can be easily calulated, but
to be able to just look at Guide for the current value would be
very handy.
Clear skies,
--- In guide-user@yahoogroups.com, Bill J Gray <pluto@p...> wrote:
> Hi Dennis,
> You can already go into the Legend dialog, click the (Local)
> "Hour Angle" box, and get that item in the legend.