Re: How Many at Magnitude x?

Richard J. Persico Jun 2, 2003

--- In, "Ray Shapp" <rayshapp@e...> wrote:
> Hi Group,
> Is there a way to get Guide to report the NUMBER of stars brighter
than a
> given magnitude above ones horizon?

How about setting your time, viewpoint to zenith, and zoom level to 1.
Then use the Tables->Create Star List and set the magnitude to what
you want to create a list of stars at that given magnitude. The table
can be saved to a file and then read into a program like word or excel
to count the number of lines (after removing the headers).

> To carry this a little further, is there a way to see a report of
the number
> of other objects (Messiers, NGCs, etc.) at various limiting

I dont know if that can be done. It might be a nice feature for
planning observations. Show me a list of all NGC objects above the
horizon greater than mag 10.5, etc.

Rich Persico