Re: [guide-user] MPC Observatories

Oliver Kloes Jun 1, 2003

Hi David,

are you at Geo mode?

MPC Observatories are shown at Geo mode only. If I'm in Geo mode there is no
option "Enter object name".
There is at "Goto" an option "Enter Location", but this dosen't work for the
tdf of MPC stations.

Clear skies,


> I am having problems with the MPC Observatories TDF. I select it in
> GOTO then MPC Stations in the TDF list and get an Enter Object Name
> window. No matter what code I enter I get an object not found.
> I updated the MPC_STAT.DAT and MPC_STAT.TDF files with the latest
> MPC station download from the projectpluto site and I still get the
> error.
> I don't understand what I am doing wrong. The zip file contains 4
> files but Guide 8 seems to only need 2 (.TDF and .DAT files). I put
> these in the Text subfolder.
> Cheers
> David