Guide Users,
I have two little problems with Guide 8. Can someone help me with them?
(1) Frequently when I open Guide 8 and right click on an asteroid. the
panel which comes up has the asteroid number but not its name, and the
magnitude is 0.0. To fix this I have to delete C:\GUIDE8\Guide.exe and
replace it with Guide 8.0 CD-1:\UTILS\Guide8.exe. Then it works fine,
until the next time. What causes this to happen, and can it be fixed?
(2) When I close Guide8 after entering my location and start it up
next time, the location is always W 69.90000 deg, N 44.02000 deg. How can
I teach Guide to remember that I live in Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania, and
not Bowdoinham, Maine?
Truman P. Kohman, Departments of Chemistry and Physics
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
Phone: 412/279-6056 Fax(CMU): 412/681-0648 Internet:
tk11@... (best for correspondence, ASCII documents),
tpkohman@... (best for images, coded attachments, etc.)