Re: [guide-user] Displaying extra-galatic HII regions

Oliver Kloes May 25, 2003


It's strange, that the file is missing, but it's not on my system too.
But I think, I know what happend.

I have written the tdf's for Wolf Rayet stars and the extra-galactic HII
regions three years ago.


After an update of the Wolf Rayet stars data, the dat-file for the
HII-regions has "slipped" somehow out of the
;-( Sorry!
And this zip-file was used for the GUIDE 8.0 CD's.

I have found the exHII.dat at my safety file disc. I will send it to you via
private mail. Place it at directory misc_dat\wolf_ray\ and it should work.

Bill, can you place the exHII.dat at the on your "extra"-page
again? Thanks!!

Clear skies,


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: "Bertrand Laville" <bertrand.laville@...>
An: <>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 25. Mai 2003 19:26
Betreff: [guide-user] Displaying extra-galatic HII regions

> Hi Bill and all,
> in the file CD DATA3 , there is a TDF file wich points at
> file " !:\misc_dat\wolf_ray\exHII.dat", with the title "Extra-
> galactic H II regions".
> But if you look for such a file in Misc dat\ Wolf ray, either in CD
> #1, or in CD #2, you can't find a file called exHII.dat.
> In an other hand, if you display User's added dataset, there is no
> more file in relation with extra-galatic HII regions.
> How can I do to display these concerned HII regions ?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Bertrand
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