RE: [guide-user] A2.0

Anthony J. Kroes May 21, 2003

If you can repeat that in the same section of sky, but not in others,
perhaps some of the data on that specific CD is corrupt? Tell us the
area/object you are working with and maybe someone else here can test it.

Anthony J. Kroes
Cedar Drive Observatory
Pulaski, WI

-----Original Message-----
From: Ove Christensen [mailto:ove@...]
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:07 PM
Subject: [guide-user] A2.0

I run Guide 8 from a fixed disk installation (all of it). I have just got
the 11 disks from USNO2.0. When I ask for Get A2.0 data for CD rom (Extras)
I am asked to put in a CD. After doing so, Guide works for some time, then
Windows comes and shows the two .acc files and the two .cat files (in this
example on disk 11) and then nothing happens. How should I handle Windows in
this situation? (Using Windows XP) Yours Ove Christensen Denmark

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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