Message settings/missing msgs

Bill J Gray May 16, 2003

Ray, I got to that option by going to the Guide user page on
Yahoo, and clicking on "Management", "Group Settings/Messages",
"Posting & Archives/Edit". That gets you assorted radio buttons,
and I moved one from "unmoderated" to "new members moderated".

Having gotten there, I now see that I could have simply gone to

Insert your group name in place of "guide-user", and I think
you'll be all set.

There were a couple of signups over the last month or so from
addresses such as <verb>_my_<noun>@..., with the <verb>s
and <noun>s making their intent clear. I promptly banned these,
but some spammers are bright enough not to be quite so obvious.
(I gather that the amount of spam worldwide has doubled in the
last few months. It's not just us.)

Larry, thanks for mentioning the omitted message. I hadn't
noticed it, but I didn't get it either. Nor did I get _your_
post via e-mail; if I'd not chanced to look at the following
URL, listing recent messages:

I'd not have seen it. (My omitted message is 3363; Larry's
is 3366. These are the only two I've not received, as best I
can tell.)

Anyone else getting message dropouts? Perhaps the Internet is
crumbling under the tidal wave of spam...

-- Bill