At 13:40 2003-05-09 -0500, Ben Wrote wrote:
>The ability to sort on different columns when accessing the tables of
asteroids or comets and Messier objects is nice. However, not all of the
columns seem to sort correctly. Please check these columns. RA, DEC, and
Elong. These columns sort correctly with the Messier objects, but not the
asteroid and comet tables.
>The rest of the 'active' columns appear to sort correctly, either
ascending or descending.
like you can with the Messier listing. Being able to sort by Const. would
be most helpful.
Hi Ben and list.
It looks like it has to do with the space set aside for the name. If the
name is too long like 9121 Stepfanovalentini, then the other data sets are
moved over and the sort routine is looking at the wrong digit. Just my guess.
Bob Elliott