Jim & Donna Opalek Apr 23, 2003
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill J Gray
To: guide-user@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 11:06 PM
Subject: [guide-user] ISS view/adding images/data tables
Hi folks,
Chaske, about the ISS view problem: _that_ is a weird bug. I
dunno why you'd get no view at all... perhaps it's related to a
view at a particular field of view or something? Anyone else seeing
this problem, perhaps noticing that "the earth vanishes as seen from
ISS when you do thus-and-such"?
Arild, about displaying arbitrary images in Guide: you can do
this, after a fashion, with Charon. Once Charon has pattern-matched
an image, you can hit a hotkey from within that program which writes
out the image orientation/alignment data to a file, which Guide can
then use to add the image to the background, just like a DSS/RealSky
As you suspected, this has to be a FITS image. Not long ago, I
worked out a scheme for displaying more "normal" graphics-type images
(JPEG and BMP) in the CCD frame. The theory was that you'd set up the
CCD frame to be the right size and tell Guide to stretch the image to
fit it. Then you'd move the frame around until it lined up properly,
by eye, then tell Guide that you were done. The image would then
"stay there" while you moved the CCD frame around and, perhaps, added
further images.
It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I vastly underestimated
how tough this sort of hand alignment would be. So this idea is on
hold until I figure out a reasonably user-friendly solution. (This
would also duck around the fact that FITS images are limited to gray
scale; you could add all those nice color Hubble, etc. images to
the background.)
About tables of DSOs and other objects: this is a relatively
near-term thing. I've figured out _how_ I want to do it:
Now it's just a matter of actually going ahead and implementing it.
(But certain other problems, most notably telescope control, have
priority right now.)
-- Bill
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