Hello Bill,
a while back, a Norwegian amateur posted an image he had done of M 101 with his
Sky90 refractor and a digital camera. The image went quite deep, and although he
had labelled a few deep sky objects, I used Guide to find even more.
Now, two things would have been handy during that process (I added labels with
Photoshop and switched back and forth between PS and Guide).
1) Ability to add the image to Guide and have Guide align it automatically with
stars and stuff. (I guess it would require that Guide be roughly centered on the
image center, and possibly also that the user chose alignement stars. The image
would also need to be in FITS format?)
Then it would be easy to see which speck was a faint galaxy and which wasn't.
I guess this is a more general thing from the Add DSS image... option, in that
it would allow you to add images without positional data in the image header.
2) More generally, the ability to get a "quick info" style list of all DSOs
visible on screen just now. The contents of this list would naturally follow the
limits of the data shown dialog, so that the list would contain any object you
could actually see on the screen. It's much the same thing as the "Create star
list..." option under Tables, only for DSOs.
Hopeful regards,
Arild :)
PS The image may be viewed here BTW;
and one with my added labels: