Re: User-added dataset trouble

davidlibreros Apr 3, 2003

--- In, Bill J Gray <pluto@p...> wrote:
> Hi David,
> I've no idea why this would happen, but it _probably_ means
> Guide objects to at least one of the .TDF files on your machine.
> To find out which one, you could (for example) move half of the
> .TDF files out of the Guide directory, and see if the function then
> begins to work. If it does, then the problem is in one of the
> removed .TDFs, and you should move half of them back. And
> so on.
> With each iteration, you will be able to test half of the
> TDF files. Very soon, you will know which one causes the trouble.
> Please e-mail that file to me, and I'll see if perhaps I can get
> the same problem here.
> -- Bill

Hi Bill:

You were right once more. I deleted all my .tdf files and put them
back one by one. And there it was! I have a USNOBVIZ.TDF pointing to
a USNOBVIZ.DAT which I don't have. I am not quite sure that it is the
real problem, but without this file Guide works prefectly. Thanks.
David, Spain.