Missing magnitude labels

Bill J Gray Mar 22, 2003

Hi Doug,

Two possibilities leap to mind.

First, see if some other label (Greek letter, Flamsteed number,
star name, etc.) is shown. If you've got those set to display (in
the "Star Display" dialogue), they take precedence over the
display of magnitude labels. I doubt that's the case here,
since Vindemiatrix would probably be similarly affected...
but it's worth checking.

The second, more likely, culprit is label collision. Guide does
a decent job of moving labels around to avoid having them overlap
one another. But you can get cases where it does the equivalent
of scratching its head, rearranging the labels some more, and
giving up, because it can't find a place to fit in a label. If you zoom
in and, as the labels spread apart, the one you're looking for
comes into view, that's a likely scenario.

-- Bill