[guide-user] Re: SA1.0 Usage

Jan van Gijsen Feb 13, 2000

Hello all SA users,

I'm not sure but the SA2.0 appears to give some/same problems too.
What I tried this afternoon before my reply to Joe was actualy done
with some
A2.0 catalogs on my hard drive. It looks if there are differences with
As Denis wrote below: using SA2.0 from CD (same drive as real sky)
works on my computer, when you click OK when guide ask for CD #, and OK
again for the guide7 CD. This action creates an A10.dat file in the
guide directory, but
this does not happen when (succesfully) using the path option in
I made a new directory on my disk, copied the complete sa2.0 CD to it
and changed the path in GUIDE.DAT. (and removed A10.dat and sa20/a20
IDX files from the guide directory for a clean start).
When I start guide7 (VOF level7 2 deg. mag. lim+18 centered at Alpha
Ari = hamal) nothing is shown from the SA2.0 catalog, but an A20.IDX is
created. When i use the GO TO command now to go to POLARIS, only for a
part of the sky/screen sa2.0 stars are visible (RA 0 to RA 14 at
first). clicking around in the screen sometimes shows smaller,
somethimes larger areas covered with
SA2.0 stars, but not the complete screen.
Second test was done on star 50 cas. mag.lim.= 18. On level 5 you can
actually see that data from sa2.0 come from 3 different catalog files
(looks great, takes a while). but zooming in to level 6 or 7 makes all
SA2.0 stars dissappear. Same for HAMAL: zooming out to level 4 shows
just a part of the screen geeting filled with SA2.0 stars, that
disappear zooming back to 5 or higher.
Maybe this has something to do with the problem Joe had with SA1.0 ???
A last thing i noticed: using SA2.0 from CD creates a SA20.IDX file,
using the path options an A20.IDX file is created. So after trying out
a couple of things they are both there.

Bye bye and clear sky,


"denis boucher" <boucher-@...> wrote:
original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/guide-user/?start=320
> OK,
> I hope this will help. Go to starup.mar and look under line 63. It
> say Real CD "drive". SA1 will go where "drive" indicate. Change that
> the drive where you insert your CD or HD drive directory address.
> Denis
> > Well, I just reinstalled GUIDE 7.0. Tried to get A1.0 data from the
> CD
> > without any changes at all to GUIDE. It didn't work, same thing.
> kept
> > asking for CD #8 even after inserting my SA1.0 CD. Canceled out of
> the
> > operation but still nothing. I found the A10.dat file is Zero K in
> size.
> > Checked and reset the Mags to 16 and tried again, still nothing.
> >