Re:Comet designations

Bob Elliott Mar 7, 2003

At 21:20 2003-03-07 +0000, you wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 11:36:45 -0600
>> From: Bob Elliott <elliottb@...>
>>Subject: Re: Charon's comet designations
>>At 16:54 2003-03-07 +0000, Lawrence wrote:
>>>I am trying to 'force' Charon to recognise the comet cP/Linear-Neat
>>>a.k.a. HT50 but I have been unable to get it to do anything but crash
>>>without error messages. Can anyone suggest what Charon wants me to give
>>>as the comet's name?! I have tried cP/Linear-Neat and cP/2001 HT50 and
>>>various permutations.
>>Try c(C/2001 HT50)
>>Bob Elliott
>Thanks Bob - just the job!
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