Mark files/WinXP/Linux

Bill J Gray Mar 1, 2003

Hi folks,

Mark, about the "loading a saved mark" issue: that's a new one
on me. I assume that by "screen position", you mean the RA/dec?
(Though actually, because your location and time are restored from
the mark file, your screen position in alt/az ought to be okay, too.)
Anyone else seen this?

Albert, your best bet is to install the currently-posted Guide 8
software. The software originally on the CD required you to double-
click on an item to add it to the list of "installed to hard drive" items.
That made sense to _me_, but I think I was the only one... (it's
easy for a programmer to get so used to something that it seems
perfectly reasonable, when to anyone else, it's perfectly stupid.
That happened here.) I also made a few other small ease-of-use
changes to this function, based on feedback I got about it.

Hans, I'm pretty sure you're running into something else, because
you're running Guide 7. But it does remind me of something: you
should probably get the current Guide 7 software update. You
mentioned installing to the hard drive in the "old-fashioned" way,
by editing STARTUP.MAR. With the updated Guide 7 software,
you have the same "Extras... Copy to Hard Drive" function as
with Guide 8.

Maciej, about Linux: I've had "plans" for Linux for a long time,
but can't say I've done much in this regard. Some of those plans
and some of what I actually have done are described at

The fact that I have delayed so long, though, really may be
working to my advantage. The tools for writing this sort of software
in Linux appear to be much better than they were when I first
started thinking about such a port, sometime around 1998.
Some of what I've read about Qt and GTK+ sounds much nicer
than was the case a year or so ago.

-- Bill