Okay, I finally found time to play and managed to fix my problem.
Reading through the web site I found a message which talked about
get_dss not working. In this message was mention of the gunzip386.exe
program being needed. Well I checked my guide directory and found it
was missing. I downloaded the program into the guide directory and
low and behold my dss images are being pulled from the internet just
fine now.
One other note for Bill. I pulled the latest guide 8 update and after
backing up my guide7 directory extracted all the files to my guide
dir. The program works like a champ. I have not run into any problems
as of yet. I don't know what I'm missing though not having done a
full upgrade.
Richard Newman
--- In
guide-user@yahoogroups.com, "mrnewmaniii
<Richard.Newman@a...>" <Richard.Newman@a...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have recently experienced a problem getting dss images from the
> internet. Nothing has changed in my environment. The get_dss
> starts to pull the image down and gets to about 80%-90% complete,
> then just hangs.
> Any clues???
> Thanks...
> Richard Newman