Laren Dart Feb 16, 2003
>Sandy McNamara (SandyMc456@...) wrote:It has been a problem for me, Truman. I'm researching historical eclipses,
>>Guide now obediently saves a mark under whatever name I choose
>>-- and I have at times ended up with TWO marks with the same name.
>>Would it be a programming problem to have Guide check to see if a
>>file/mark already exists under that name then REPLACE it with the
>>new one? (After politely asking if you wish to do so, of course!)
> That sounds like Guide 7. In Guide 8, at my request, that has been
>fixed. If one saves a mark with an existing name, Guide simply over-writes
>the old one with a new one. It doesn't ask for permission, but that hasn't
>been a problem.
> Truman