
Jean-François COLIAC Feb 13, 2003


I switched the grids so to have 1° in dec and 5 min (of time = 1,2°) in
R.A., but I noticed that the length of the R.A. grids were shorter.
I had to select 10 min (2,5°) to display an angle of 1,2° : the right
click on the mouse (angular separation) shows that the angle between two
lines of R.A. was 1,2° when I selected 10 min in the Grid Menu !

Is there a trouble for you too ?

Would it be possible to indicate the separation between two points in
R.A. and DEC, in degrees when there is more than 60 min arc and in min
arc when there is more than 60 sec arc ?

Jean-François COLIAC