Re: [guide-user] One but two displayed

Doug Snyder Feb 10, 2003

I've encountered the same display issue with the comet C/2001 HT50 being
shown in two locations with about several arcminutes separation. One is
labeled 'C/2001 HT50' (this one is displayed at the position reflected by
the most current elements, but that label is not in the 'Edit Comet Data'),
and the other is labeled 'LINEAR-NEAT (2001 HT50)' - which is in the Edit
Comet Data. In editing the 'Edit Comet Data....', the label shown there is
'LINEAR-NEAT (2001 HT50)', and the elements shown there are correct, but on
screen, if you click on that comet icon and then bring up 'More Info', you
get outdated elements!. In the Extras menu when you bring up Edit Comet
Data, there is no listing for 'C/2002 HT50' - only 'LINEAR-NEAT (2001 HT50).
All very confusing!

I've edited the file "now_comt.dat" and removed the reference to this
particular set of (old) elements, then only the 'correct' comet position is
displayed - until I start the program up again. I can not find any
reference in the various files to these outdated elements that display
'LINEAR-NEAT (2001 HT50)'

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lawrence Harris" <lawrence@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 1:46 AM
Subject: [guide-user] One but two displayed

> No, not asteroids! I have two comet c/2001 HT50s showing on Guide. By
> actually imaging, I was able to eliminate the right-hand side one. How
> do I fix this?
> Lawrence Harris
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