
Bill J Gray Feb 4, 2003

Hi folks,

I've removed the offender. At present, I've not switched
over other settings, such as from "open membership" (anyone can
subscribe and start posting right away) to "restricted" (anyone
can subscribe, but has to be approved by a moderator before
starting to post.)

I'm open to suggestions, though truthfully, I'm hoping to
avoid settings requiring large amounts of "management" (approving
lots of messages and users, one by one.) That may prove
necessary, though, if this sort of thing recurs.

Thanks to files sent by Marcin Siekierko, Guide now runs in
Polish. See

for details.

Jean-François, thanks for the comment about the 'Add a Comet'
bug. This arose because the second month was known as 'Fev' at one
point, and as 'F‚v' (F, e-accent-grave, v) in another. Download

and the problem is fixed. (There is still a problem in that
Guide should do better error checking on the input date...)

You also asked about "blocking" the sky, so that things do not
appear through a transparent ground. I posted a comment about this,
long ago:

Around that time, I think I said that it should be possible to
do this in a more "user-friendly" manner... still true!

-- Bill