Re: [guide-user] Help with Meridian

Bob Elliott Jan 30, 2003

At 04:00 2003-01-30 -0000, Tom wrote:
>I'm new to guide and wonder if there is a way for Guide 8 to display
>the meridian line.

Hi Tom.

You can try the following:

Go to "Display" in the main menu and select Tics, Grids, etc..
turn on(click box) grids. This will bring up a box where you can select
the grid spacing. Select 2 hours and 30 degrees box is checked at the
bottom "grids on" box is checked at the top. you can select your favorite
color by clicking on the white box just above the "OK" box at the bottom.

Now click on the "Go to" in the main menu and select "Horizon Menu" and
click on the "S" radio button.

This is a bit of a hassle but will give you a nice vertical line when
facing South or North.

Enjoy Guide.

Bob Elliott
Fall Creek, WI.