[guide-user] Re: SA1.0 Usage

Joe Mize Feb 12, 2000


I did just that, 627 Mb. It still asks for me to insert the CD. I've
checked and double checked my coding in GUIDE.DAT and it is correct,
"A1_PATH=14.3;e:\Usnosa10". I even thought it could have been a DOS thing and
made sure to conform to the 8.3 rule for the directory name. Nada.

Tonight I went to the Lowell site and downloaded the central area of the
Rosette. (IMHO it's now much faster with the A2.0 than when I did some
downloads from the A1.0 catalog a couple years ago.) Anyway I renamed the
binary data to A10.DAT and it displays perfectly fine.

I then tried to access my SA1.0 data which is on my E:\ and that GUIDE.DAT
points to and it 'still' asks for the disk to be inserted...joe :)

Lance Shaw wrote:

> Joe and everyone,
> I too have had the same problem with USNO SA2 ...
> My only solution has been to copy the entire CD to the hard drive ...
> This would be a minor (or read: major) problem given your circumstances ...
> Clear Skies,
> Lance
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"May You Go Among The Imperishable Stars"

Joe Mize
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