As a guide user since version 5 I am very happy with the product. And I
consider, by far, the best Astrosw available. As time goes by, it seems
to me that some things could be enhanced to maintain pace with other
My point now is the use with a CCD imaging setup. I have some
suggestions that I believe could make Guide much better as a CCD imaging
companion. Let´s go...
1 - Be ASCOM compliant to work together with sw like ACP, Maxim
etc...Abandon the standard link, slew telescope dialogs and go to ASCOM
2 - Have a possibility to generate lists of objects for a script in ACP.
In fact Guide has full capability to supersed ACP if you include some
simple script. It seems to me that remote command via internet and
things like that are for few users and are not really important for a
standalone observer (the majority of people). It would be a must to
command a nova or supernova search directly from Guide.
3 - Generate a list for mosaic expositions. Ex: You define a inclined
rectangle as an area for targeting a GRB and Guide will generate the
necessary expositions to build up a mosaic.
4 - Possibility to have a batch to capture DSS2 images. It is frequent
that the automated scope gets several shots of different objects and you
want to compare with DSS images. Today I´ve generated an Aladin script
to get those images and burn in a CD.
5 - It seems to me that it would be better to leave Charon in the
history (Oh no !!! Do not throw stones over my head !!!) and talk with
Haab to integrate Astrometrica with Guide. It would be a fantastic
step...This has the advantage of leaving Bill with a "not so broad"
product and use a shareware that is a must.
6 - Integrate Guide with Aladin. In fact it would be great if you use
Guide as a hub to internet premier astronomy sites like Aladin, xxx
e-print etc...
7 - Finally...Open Guide for Plug-ins..Example : Sometimes I have a SN
search and probably I could develop a plugin for this purpose. It seems
to me that this is a way to aggregate value to Guide without overload
Bill´s work.
Well, that it is folks...
Paulo Cacella
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