Re: [guide-user] B1.0/...

James Ellis Jan 21, 2003

Bill -

We might even find that ten years from now distributing 80 gig or so of
catalogue could take place over an HTTP or FTP connection (or whatever is
around then)...
I recently downloaded some Linux distros (Debian, Mandrake, Suse) over one of
the fastest connections in Australia. The complete download took about a
working day ~6-8hrs (from memory) for about 20 gigs.

So we aren't that far off having the fat pipes available to make easy access
(sub hour) to this sort of material just a click away. I suppose ten years
from now we'll be getting into the tens (100?) of megabytes/second to enable

What this means for the entertainment industry I don't know :>


> Pat's point about increasing storage availability is
> well-taken. Ten years from now, B1.0 won't be distributed on
> 110 CD-Rs, or nine DVD-Rs. It will consume part of the new
> multi-terabyte XYZ-Rs. (But USNO-C2.0 will have come out,
> requiring several dozen XYZ-Rs.)