B1.0 copying
Wälchli Hansjörg Jan 21, 2003
This "B1.0 thing" is an interresting discussion thread and it might easily
render into a discussion about future storage and access technology.
I guess that in a couple of years we all will have very fast and very mobile
access to whatsoever internet. At this point the discussion of storage media
for huge data sets will vanish as we will be able to transparently access
(it then does not matter where your data is stored) lots of data (including
B1.0 or maybe Y9.0 ... catalogs). So I would be very surprised if lots of
people would today "burn" large cd sets and then really use every single cd
until my previously mentionned all-from-everywhere access becomes reality.
In fact it is an ongoing (for more than a decade) philosophical discussion
amongst IT folks wether or not centralized or distributed data storage is
preferrable. Let's wait and see. B1.0 and other large new databases of
public interrest bring a new aspect into this talk.
Clear skies