Andrea Pelloni Jan 9, 2003
> Andrea, the "R mag" shown when you click on an object was[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>indeed wrong (columns weren't where I thought they were). Guide
>showed only R1, B1, and I2; there is no I1. I've modified the
>.TDF to show all five magnitudes in the first "summary" box,
>and posted the revised usno_b1.tdf file on the site.
> I've also modified the .TDF as follows: if you just turn labels on,
>you get the USNO B1.0 identifiers. If you go into "star display"
>and turn the "mag label limit" to a suitable (faint) value, the
>stars are labelled by magnitude. You can also select the band
>to be used (R, B, V, etc.)
> This is a good, but not yet perfect, solution. Guide handles
>datasets with one R and one B magnitude (such as A2.0 and
>GSC-2.2) with aplomb. This dataset, with two R, two B, and
>and I, can confuse it; in some situations, it decides it can't
>compute a magnitude for a given band, and decides to show
>the B1.0 identifier instead. Something for the next update...
>-- Bill
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