[guide-user] Re: Wishes for GUIDE 8.0

Masaki Kouda Feb 12, 2000

Pierre Laporte <laportepierre@...> wrote:
>An other "useless" additionÂ….
>Guide is smart enough to advise us about using the wrong calendar
>(Julian or Gregorian)according to the year selected. Recently, I was
>using Guide as an "historical tool" to get the day of the week birthday
>of J.S. Bach on 21 march 1685. I got the wrong answer because Eisnach
>(birthplace of Bach) is in Germany and that country adopted the
>Gregorian calendar only in 1701. Guide manual instructs us for the
>year for some other exceptional countries. Is it feasible to let Guide
>smart enough to change this warning according to the country of the
>location identify by Guide. So German or Russian users won't have to
>bother about remembering when they are using the Julian or the
>Gregorian calendar

This feature looks nice. But it make us in confusion probably.
For example, Japanese use Chinese-like calendar until 1872.
1873-1899 Japanese use Julian Calendar (!)
1900-current Japanese use Gregorian Calendar.

I know this is very spacial case. And I think some country
doesn't use Gregorian calender yet.

Masaki Kouda