Missing 'lunar.dll'/B1.0

Bill J Gray Jan 9, 2003

Ray, 'lunar.dll' gets copied over when Guide is first installed.
Usually, when it's reported missing, it means that the update
.ZIP was unpacked in the wrong directory. For example, if
Guide is installed in c:\guide8, but the update file is unpacked
in c:\guide8a, you'll see exactly this bug: the update file
will provide the new 'guide8.exe', but it'll look around for 'lunar.dll'
and not find it.

If the update file is properly unZIPped, you should get some
warnings about files being overwritten (for example, the new
'guide8.exe' overwriting the old 'guide8.exe'.) If you don't get
those warnings, you're presumably unZIPping to the wrong

Pat, I started writing up a reply about B1.0, and realized that
I really ought to do it "right", then put it on my Web site:


(Looking it over, I see that the comments about other datasets
are in serious need of revision! But the text about B1.0 is new.)

Andrea, the "R mag" shown when you click on an object was
indeed wrong (columns weren't where I thought they were). Guide
showed only R1, B1, and I2; there is no I1. I've modified the
.TDF to show all five magnitudes in the first "summary" box,
and posted the revised usno_b1.tdf file on the site.

I've also modified the .TDF as follows: if you just turn labels on,
you get the USNO B1.0 identifiers. If you go into "star display"
and turn the "mag label limit" to a suitable (faint) value, the
stars are labelled by magnitude. You can also select the band
to be used (R, B, V, etc.)

This is a good, but not yet perfect, solution. Guide handles
datasets with one R and one B magnitude (such as A2.0 and
GSC-2.2) with aplomb. This dataset, with two R, two B, and
and I, can confuse it; in some situations, it decides it can't
compute a magnitude for a given band, and decides to show
the B1.0 identifier instead. Something for the next update...

-- Bill