Re: [guide-user] B1.0/ecliptic line style bug/Guide 9.0

Andrea Pelloni Jan 9, 2003

Bill, I have done what you suggest, and now it's working, but with some
strange result.
Just to make a "real" example with an USNO B.1 star:
opening the information window, these are the results:
mag 19.7
USNO B.1 star
R mag: 720 ?????
B mag: 0.00
I mag: 18.56 etcetera

But when I ask for "More information" I obtain:
R1 19.720
R2 19.890
B1 0.000
B2 20.690
I2 18.56

So the R value has a bug (every star shows the same), and B2 is not taken
into account for this star.
I don't understand what are the selection criteria for the mag evaluation
regarding the filtered images that are used:
there must be both the 1 and 2 values for each color? I think no, because
in this case we have only the I2, and its mag is shown.
Another star shows mag 0.00 even if there are both R and B values.
Can you please clarify this?
Even more, it's important because as it is I don' see a practical use of
the USNO B.1 data.
Thanks a lot


At 22.44 08/01/03 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi folks,
> Andrea, thanks for mentioning this B1.0 problem. I had heard a
>comment from John Greaves that the NOFS system had altered
>the format a bit, but just now realized that the copy of 'usno_b1.tdf'
>on my Web site had not been updated to match. I've just fixed this.
> The "changes" appear to involve adding some fields describing
>how the star looked on each of up to five plates. When you click
>on "more info" for a B1.0 star, you'll get some description of
>what all the new data means.
> So grab the new B1.0 file, from the same place:
> and you should be all set in that regard.
> Now, as for A2.0: here we have a couple of oddities for which
>I intend to come up with fixes.
> First, if you go into "Display... Star Display", you will see
>a "Mag label limit" field. Set this to zero, and labels will be
>removed for almost all stars.
> One exception will be A2.0 stars gathered with the "A2.0 from
>Internet" option. These are shown as a user-added dataset, and
>their labels are controlled much as any other user-added dataset:
>the simplest way is to right-click on an A2.0 star, then on
>"Display". Then you can shut off their labels.
> Strange, I admit. The display of A2.0 data is very odd, because
>there are three ways to display A2.0 (by extracting data from CDs;
>copying A2.0 files to the hard drive; or going through the
>"A2.0 via Internet" option). Each of the three is handled just a
>little bit differently.

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