[guide-user] Wishes for GUIDE 8.0

Pierre Laporte Feb 11, 2000

The other day, working with Guide 7.0, I got some idea that I would
like to see eventually within GUIDE 8.0.

As I am more concern with visual observations, facilities for a logbook
and a session planner will be grateful. As I prepare an observation
session, I had to joggle with two or three softwares (including Guide)
to produce a program for the night. Moreover, I have to do the same to
record my observation.

It would be fine if it was possible to generate an observation program
using data coming form Guide. For example, an addition button on the
dialog popping up when we right click on an object "Add to a program
list" could add to a file selected data about this object. A dialog
box or a menu could allow us to select the kind of information that
could be useful at the telescope (altitude, azimuth, R.A. decl. object
number, magnitude, time of transit, rising, setting, etc…). A
facilities for general information (location of observatory, name of
observers, date, (it can be directly pick up from Guide) so that it
could be enter just once. A printing facility in the menu "as printing
an observational list" would allow Guide to keep the control of all
this aspect.

In the same order of idea, facility of a logbook to keep track of
observation list of objects, including date and time of observation,
note, description and photo number or CCD files for the picture. Such
addition to the logbook could be implemented by a new button in the
dialog box or a menu. It could be link to Guide and observation notes
could be visual when we ask for "more info". I am aware that other
astro software are doing that, but why using an other software when we
have Guide !!!

I would like to know from other Guide user what they thing about those
"potential" features in Guide.

An other "useless" addition….

Guide is smart enough to advise us about using the wrong calendar
(Julian or Gregorian)according to the year selected. Recently, I was
using Guide as an "historical tool" to get the day of the week birthday
of J.S. Bach on 21 march 1685. I got the wrong answer because Eisnach
(birthplace of Bach) is in Germany and that country adopted the
Gregorian calendar only in 1701. Guide manual instructs us for the
year for some other exceptional countries. Is it feasible to let Guide
smart enough to change this warning according to the country of the
location identify by Guide. So German or Russian users won't have to
bother about remembering when they are using the Julian or the
Gregorian calendar

I agree… it will probably useful only to those rare fellows, like me,
who are interested by both astronomy and history…. And baroque music…

Pierre Laporte
Centre d'observation astronomique des Monts Notre-Dame

P.S. James…By the way, at this part of the globe, I had to deal with a
–40 at midnight. Would you like to come here with your astronomic
gears and bring some of that Malaysian wine ???