Re: xmas wishes ...

ginovh2002 <> Dec 24, 2002

And of course it should be merry xmas :)

--- In, "ginovh2002 <ginovh2002@y...>"
<ginovh2002@y...> wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> first marry xmas and happy new year to the whole list ...
> sorry Bill ... but your quick respons on my wish made me think on
> more wishes ... ( you are too good for us :)
> 1) Currently you also can generate a table that displays the GRS
> transits. Now it would be veeeeery nice if we could make such a
> for an arbitrary longitude in one of jupiters coord. systems.
> Nowadays with big telescopes and digicams amateurs can also track
> smaller features in jupiters atmosphere ... and such a function
> be perfect to prepare observations.
> 2) related to 1) you know that photographers who picture jupiter
> always try to get at least one shadow on jupiter or the GRS ... to
> make their picture look extra cool. Can you guess what my next
> is ? Well It would be nice if we could generate a table that shows
> when such an event is visible! At least one shadow transit + the
> in front ( or the GRS max. x degrees from the central meridian
> because he can be hard to picture if far from this meridian ).
> 3) And with the super mars season coming ... you know that mars
> an interesting side( with syrtis major) and a dumb side. It would
> nice if we could generate again such a table like in 1) that lists
> the times when a certain longitude crosses the central meridian on
> mars.
> Ok, Bill I promise this are my last questions for a long time :)
> greetings,
> Gino