xmas wishes ...

ginovh2002 <ginovh2002@yahoo.com> Dec 24, 2002

Hi Bill,

first marry xmas and happy new year to the whole list ...

sorry Bill ... but your quick respons on my wish made me think on
more wishes ... ( you are too good for us :)

1) Currently you also can generate a table that displays the GRS
transits. Now it would be veeeeery nice if we could make such a table
for an arbitrary longitude in one of jupiters coord. systems.
Nowadays with big telescopes and digicams amateurs can also track
smaller features in jupiters atmosphere ... and such a function would
be perfect to prepare observations.
2) related to 1) you know that photographers who picture jupiter
always try to get at least one shadow on jupiter or the GRS ... to
make their picture look extra cool. Can you guess what my next wish
is ? Well It would be nice if we could generate a table that shows
when such an event is visible! At least one shadow transit + the GRS
in front ( or the GRS max. x degrees from the central meridian
because he can be hard to picture if far from this meridian ).
3) And with the super mars season coming ... you know that mars has
an interesting side( with syrtis major) and a dumb side. It would be
nice if we could generate again such a table like in 1) that lists
the times when a certain longitude crosses the central meridian on

Ok, Bill I promise this are my last questions for a long time :)

