Re: [guide-user] Suggestion: New zoom feature - mouse wheel

Jim & Donna Opalek Dec 2, 2002

There is a very nice freeware astronomy program called Winstars that utilizes the wheel mouse zoom feature. It also has beautiful, realistic looking graphics (select realistic from the stars menu). While I use it quite often for a quick look at the sky, it is by no means the equivalent of Guide. It is strictly earth-based and has a very "coarse" looking moon, but the program is still fun (do the full download with all catalogs) and zooming in on the Messier and NGC objects and planets is really nice (try M42, M45, and M31). Sure it has limitations, but I think it is one of the best freeware programs available today, while Guide is the best commercial astronomy program available today.
----- Original Message -----
From: Andrea Pelloni
To: ;
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] Suggestion: New zoom feature - mouse wheel

I agree absolutely.
In order to have more possibilities to move "smoothly" between the default
levels, I created many more buttons, all with fields going between 2
degrees (level 7) and 15 arcminutes (level 10) fields, that is the range
going up to our CCD field.
This makes easier to find the field with the guide star and the target.
So, please Bill, can you improve this?
Thank you, as usual.

Andrea Pelloni
157 Frasso Sabino

At 23.48 02/12/02 +0100, Arild Moland wrote:
> > moving the mouse wheel up and down zooms the field of view in and out,
> where
> > the factor can be specified in "settings", e.g. 1% to 100% in1% steps.
> > what think the other guide users?
>I for one, second this! I never thought about this idea, but it strikes me as
>very useful. I've always found zooming in Guide a little awkward, but this
>really be something :)
>Arild :)
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