Bug fixes, etc.

Bill J Gray Nov 29, 2002

Hi folks,

I've just posted an update to the 'test version' described at


Almost entirely bug fixes, with the small changes described

Bernd, thanks for the "cursor update" bug report. I've also
gotten some comments off-list about it, and have fixed it. It
was an unintended side effect of the new tooltips.

Arild, your point that asteroids (and artificial satellites)
ought to show up in the legend is well taken, and I've changed
this. I've also added a way to get the legend to show all types
of objects, even those not currently appearing on-screen. To do
this, hit Alt-J and enter


To return to the usual behavior, hit Alt-J and enter


Of course, unless you have "object key" turned on in the
Display... Legend dialog, no object key at _all_ will appear!

I think you'll try this "complete object key" and decide it's not a
really good idea. With all types listed, the key gets to be immense.

Robert, I'm puzzled as to why the 'A2_PATH' command wouldn't work.
Could I ask you to e-mail me your 'guide.dat' file, as an attachment?
Perhaps I can stare at it and puzzle something out.

"...but I might try the version 8 update on version 7." Please let
me know if you try this. I warn you that you'll be something of a
pioneer, and the line about "you can tell the pioneers because they're
full of arrows" may apply.

"...I was just reading about the Next-Generation Digital Setting
Circles. (www.wildcard_innovations.com.au)" AKA "Argo Navis", I
believe. There was a review of this gadget in Sky & Telescope recently,
and I've heard from a gent who is very enthusiastic about this box. It
can be set up to emulate a Tangent Instruments _or_ an LX-200, and both
should work with Guide.

-- Bill