Hi Robert,
This one has come up several times... which is a good indicator
that I ought to add some comments on the Web page where the
subject of using Ax.0 from the hard drive is described:
I've just done so, making it a little clearer that when you add that
line to 'guide.dat', the data is displayed _automatically_ whenever
you reach the magnitude limit you specify in the 'A2_PATH='
statement. There is no longer any need whatsoever to use the
'Extras... Get Ax.0 Data' menu option.
(Still more simplification might be achieved if A2.0 data gathered
via Internet, or extracted from CDs, or copied to the hard drive
in the above manner, were all managed in similar ways. Something
for the future... at present, Internet-gathered A2.0 is shown as a
user-added dataset.)
About the multiple 'guide.dat's: the one in the 'text' directory
would also be found on the CD-ROM, and is the original version
with which Guide starts when first installed. The one in your
local Guide directory is the important one (i.e., the one you should
edit and which has assorted settings of interest). I dunno where
the d:\guide7 one came from; perhaps you've got Guide installed
in that directory as well?
Bernd wrote:
"...One other reason for putting back the tooltips to the title bar: on
a slow computer (100 MHz Pentium, yes I use such a machine in the
observatory to control the telescope via Guide) the redraw time is long
and you have to wait with the next command."
Hmmm... in theory, the tooltips are supposed to appear and disappear
without causing a redraw of the underlying area. (Similar to the way you
can right-click on an object, then click on "OK" without having a delay
while the area under the info box is redrawn.) But I can't be too surprised
if it turns out that this is not always so.
In any case, I have added a "show tooltips" option in the Toolbar
dialog, which defaults to being off.
Wälchli Hansjörg wrote: "... tooltips are a windows standard (GUI
guidelines) and therefore will help (new) users with a common program
I did want to make the behavior more "Windows-like", but I also hoped
the new tooltips would draw some attention to the functions that can
be accessed through the legend. I've found the ability to (for example)
toggle "north up" (RA/dec mode) to "zenith up" (alt/az mode) via a
single right-mouse click in the compass area to be quite helpful. It's
not at all obvious that clicking in the legend should accomplish
anything; I thought tooltips might be useful there.
-- Bill
-- Bill