Re: [guide-user] Reading USNO A2 data from second hard drive

joe Nov 27, 2002


> I'm trying to get Guide7 to read the A2 data.

1) Add to your STARUP.MAR a line which tells Guide what drive the "CD"
drive is. This 'tricks' GUIDE to thimking the "CD" drive is another drive
letter than it is. In my STARTUP.MAR it is line #63. Dunno if that line
number must be but if you don't go that high just add the next numbered line
stating: 63 real CD C In your case you'd enter "63 real CD E" or
whatever line number you need to tell GUIDE to look on your E:\ for your
SA2.0 data.

> I couldn't get the install to harddrive option to work

2) As for not being able to download your 'Extras' from your CD you need
to download the dated 02/27/2002 from Project Pluto. This
adds/fixes a file on the initial Guide8 CD. Once you download and extract
this file to your GUIDE8 directory insert your CD #1 and click on Extras.
If I remember correctly you should to checkmark only the first file in the
list and get it from the CD. Then you can checkmark all the others to
extract them. Inserting the 2nd GUIDE8 CD will provide you additional files
you can extract from the CD to your Hard Drive.

> I found three files named Guide.dat

3) Concerning your GUIDE.dat files, you only need one, the one in the
directory which you execute GUIDE8. Check the properties of your shortcut
for the correct pathname being executed. I'd suggest 'renaming' the
unneeded GUIDE.dat files until you get the proper one configured the way you
want it. Once you're happy delete the "unneeded" GUIDE.dat files.

Hope this helps...joe :)

"May You Go Among The Imperishable Stars"

Joe Mize :)

Current Moon Phase
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Burns" <rd-burns@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 5:29 PM
Subject: [guide-user] Reading USNO A2 data from second hard drive

> I'm trying to get Guide7 to read the A2 data. I found the mention on
> the projectpluto site of adding an A2_Path line in the guide.dat
> file but Guide7 still wants to get the A2 data from drive D.
> It may be my setup. I've setup a logical partition on my primary drive
> and named it D: I installed Guide7 from there to C: (I couldn't get
> the install to harddrive option to work).
> My A2 data is on E:, which is a PCMCIA drive.
> I found three files named Guide.dat, btw. One in the folder on drive
> C: created during the installation process; and two on the original
> files I copied to logical Drive D; one in D:\Guide7\ and the other in
> D:\TEXT\
> Obviously, I'm in need of consultation.
> (Thanks for any help)
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