RE: [guide-user] Updated 'test' version posted

Rafael Barbera Nov 24, 2002

Hello Bill,

> Just posted a slightly revised 'test' version, still described at
> and downloadable from

Now the "Make Poststript File" is working better. I can plot TDF based
objects and isophotes on the same chart and what is better: now the TDF data
is plotted in color!. The only issue that remains is how the margins
settings relate with the position of the chart inside the PS file. I have
setted all the margins to 0 and the chart remains off-center. Perhaps the
Make Postcript option sould ask for a papper size and the margins and Guide
use this data internaly to plot the chart correctly sized and positioned
inside the page. Only an idea, surely you have a better aproach to this.

Rafael Barbera

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