Re: [guide-user] Updated 'test' version posted

Andrea Pelloni Nov 24, 2002

Dear Bill, with last update insertion of tooltips as in Windows, I have a
strange result: the mouse arrow moves on the tooltip box as it appears, so
it's almost impossible (unless being VERY quick to press on the button) to
obtain what I want.
Don't know if someone else had my same problem. My system is:

Athlon 1.33-
640 Mb 133 MHz RAM
Nvidia GEForce 4600 128 Mb

Thank you Bill.

Andrea Pelloni
157 Frasso Sabino

At 21.30 22/11/02 -0500, Bill J Gray wrote:
>Hi folks,
> Just posted a slightly revised 'test' version, still described at
>and downloadable from
> The list of "improvements" has three new members: the ability
>to use SDP4, an alternative (somewhat better) motion model for
>high-orbiting satellites; ability to link to SIMBAD data for some
>stars; and a fix for the .AVI problem mentioned by Jeff Medkeff.
>(This last was due to a blunder I'd made in importing some source
>code... I didn't really understand what the code was doing, and
>therefore hadn't looked it over carefully enough. The color problems
>that I'd thought were compression artifacts were, in fact, due to
>the code being throttled down to 8-bit color images. Changing
>this to 32 bits made them a _lot_ better.)
> Assorted bugs mentioned on this list over the last few days
>are now repaired. There's still one odd one out there, though:
>I got a report via private e-mail of extremely oversized tooltip
>windows. Aside from that, things are looking better than they
>did a few days ago.
>-- Bill
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