[guide-user] Of many things...

Richard Mallett Feb 9, 2000

>> Until I post an update, the 'workaround' is to edit our old pal,
STARTUP.MAR, and find this line:

79 pl contr 50 214 0

Change that '0' at the end to '60'. That's a good starting value for
the density of planet features. And after that, too, you'll be able to
hit Alt-. and Alt-; and add and subtract 50% from a non-zero value. <<

Thanks a lot Bill - that gives me a good reason to download the update.

>> Incidentally, it appears that Tycho-2's links to the CCDM (Catalogue
of Components of Doubles and Multiples) ought to let Guide 8 do a _much_
better job of showing doubles and binaries. I'll probably be posting more
about Tycho-2 in coming months; in particular, I'd like to get it into
the hands of astrometrists, for reasons described at the above link. <<

That would be really fantastic. IMO doubles and binaries don't get half
the attention they deserve. They are great to look at, and great to plot
orbits from (and there aren't nearly enough people doing the latter; not
that I am - don't have the time or the equipment, alas)


E-mail from: Richard Mallett, 09-Feb-2000